
The Rebill API uses API keys to authenticate requests. You can create and manage your API keys from the Dashboard.

Authentication is a critical step for ensuring that your interactions with the Rebill API are secure and properly associated with your organization. The Rebill platform assigns unique API keys to each organization, including sandbox environments, to facilitate this. Follow this guide to obtain and apply your API key for secure API communications.

Acquiring Your API Key

  1. Access the Rebill Dashboard: Open the Rebill Dashboard in your web browser and sign in using your account details.
  2. Find the API Keys Section: After logging in, head to the "API Keys" section located within the Dashboard's Settings. You can find the Settings by clicking on your profile picture at the top right corner of the Dashboard.
  3. API Key Management: If you're setting up for the first time, you'll need to generate a new API key. If you've done this before, your existing keys will be displayed. Note that an API key for the Sandbox environment is automatically generated for your convenience, visible on all requests on this page. You have the option to switch this with another key if necessary. Keep in mind, API keys are crucial for your account's security. Never disclose them and always keep them in a safe place.
  4. Organization Selection: With the possibility of having roles across multiple organizations, make sure to manage the API keys for the intended organization. Remember, each organization, including your sandbox, comes with a distinct set of API keys.
  5. Implementing Your API Key: Incorporate your API key in the headers of your API requests to authenticate your interactions with the Rebill API.
New API Key

Find below a code example on how to use your API Key for a request.


Always keep your token safe and reset it if you suspect it has been compromised. Remember to treat your API Keys as passwords. Keep them safe and never share them with applications or third-parties you don't trust. It's good practice to refresh your API Keys over time and revoke keys that are no longer being used.

Please don't commit your Rebill password to GitHub!

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