Smart Retries

Decide how and when to retry the rejected collections of your subscriptions to get the best results.

How to access the Smart Retries section?

With Rebill, you can get the maximum customization from your organization's retry policy. Forget complex configurations, just choose how many times and when to retry the collection of your subscriptions simply by following these steps:

  1. Log in to Rebill Dashboard.
  2. Click on your organization's avatar in the top right corner.
  3. Select Settings
  4. Choose Smart Retries

Take a look at it

In this section, you can see a timeline of how the collection retries are disposed of using as a reference the rejected collection of a subscription (Day 1 at 10:00 hs UTC) that triggers the retry strategy.

Below this, you can see the charging retries of your organization, sorted descendingly by execution order (the first retry to execute is the one you can see at the top of the list). Each retry has an execution frequency that determines how soon after the previous one it should be triggered.

On the right, you can take advantage of the tips provided by our collection specialists shared to have the best effectiveness rate of your organization's retry strategy.

How to configure your organization's retry policy?

Once in the Smart Retries section, you can add new retries by clicking on the "Add attempt" button, delete current ones by clicking on the corresponding button on the right side of each retry, and last but not least, you can change when the retry would be performed by changing the type and amount of frequency of each retry. To finish editing, you must select the "Save" button, and that's it. In this way, you can fully customize your retry strategy with just a few clicks.

Bear in mind the tips we share in the Smart Retries section to create the best retry strategy and increase the recovery rate of your subscriptions!

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