Alternative Payment Methods (APM)

Start accepting payments over local bank transfers, e-wallets, cash and more for both one-time and subscription-based services!

What is an APM?

Alternative Payment Methods (APMs) encompass a range of payment options that are not traditional credit or debit card transactions. These include bank transfers, e-wallets, mobile payments, and local payment schemes that are often preferred in specific regions or countries. APMs cater to a broader customer base by accommodating different preferences and providing accessibility to those without standard banking facilities. With the evolving digital landscape, APMs are becoming increasingly popular, offering convenience, security, and enhanced user experience.

What APMs does Rebill support?

Rebill recognizes the diverse payment landscape and supports a variety of APMs tailored to different countries in Latin America. Here's a list of APMs our platform includes, ordered by country:


Pago FácilCash PaymentRedirect Link
Transferencia 3.0TransferQR


PixBank TransferQR/Code


Klap EfectivoCash PaymentRedirect Link
KhipuTransferRedirect Link
WebpayWalletRedirect Link


EfectyCash PaymentRedirect Link
Nequi QRTransferQR
Nequi PushTransferCode


PaynetCash PaymentTicket Information with Barcode
Transferencia BancariaTransferBank Information


PagoEfectivoCash PaymentTicket Information


E-BrouBank TransferRedirect Link
SantanderBank TransferRedirect Link
ScotiabankBank TransferRedirect Link
ItauBank TransferRedirect Link

This list is continuously expanding to include more APMs, ensuring that businesses can cater to all their customers' preferences.

Subscriptions with Alternative Payment Methods

In many Latin American countries, APMs are not just an alternative but the primary method of payment due to various economic and cultural factors. Offering subscriptions with APMs through can significantly broaden your market reach in these regions. It allows businesses to cater to a segment of the population that relies on these methods for most of their transactions. Moreover, by integrating APMs into subscription models, companies can ensure continuity and convenience, fostering long-term customer relationships and enhancing customer loyalty. In an increasingly competitive market, the ability to offer flexible, localized payment solutions is a key differentiator and a vital element for business growth in these regions.

How does recurrence work with APMs?

When using Alternative Payment Methods (APMs) for subscriptions, the process differs slightly from traditional recurring credit card payments. Here's how it works with Rebill:

  1. Initial Payment: The customer selects their preferred APM and completes the initial transaction for the subscription service. This could be through various methods like bank transfers, e-wallets, or local payment options.
  2. Payment Confirmation: After the transaction, the customer receives an email confirming whether the payment was successful or not. This email serves as an immediate notification regarding the status of their payment.
  3. Subscription Renewal: Unlike automatic credit card deductions, APMs typically don't support direct automatic renewals due to their nature. Therefore, when it's time to renew the subscription, the customer receives a reminder email.
  4. Generating New Payment: This reminder email prompts the customer to initiate a new payment for the next subscription period. The email contains all necessary instructions and links to make this process as seamless as possible.
  5. Continued Engagement: It's important for businesses to engage customers proactively around the time of renewal to ensure continuity. This might include sending reminder emails or notifications as the payment date approaches.
  6. Flexibility and Control for Customers: This process gives customers more control and flexibility over their subscriptions. They can decide whether to continue with the subscription for another period, offering them an opportunity to review their commitment at each billing cycle.

By understanding and adapting to the nuances of APMs in subscription models, businesses can effectively cater to a wider range of customers, especially in regions where these payment methods are prevalent.

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